Singapore Brain Development Centre



BLOG Articles

Are you looking for a reading program for your child, but you are not sure where to start? What kind of program does your child need? Are some more effective than others? How to tell which is the best for your child? These could be some of the questions that have crossed your mind as a parent with a growing child.

Sensory integration is a process by which the brain receives information through sensory input, organizes it and uses it for everyday activities. Some of these sensory inputs include sight, smell, hearing, movement, taste and others. Sensory processing provides a crucial foundation for later, more complex learning and behavior in children. It is also known as motor skills development, part of the developmental markers for babies and children when they go for pediatric checkups.

According to data from the Child Guidance Clinic (CGC) in Singapore, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most common condition in children and adolescents who visit this facility. The prevalence of ADHD is said to be between 1.7% and 16%.

Every child grows and develops at their own pace, most achieve certain milestones like crawling, walking and uttering their first words at around the same age. When a child is not achieving the expected milestones on time, he is said to have developmental delays which can be worrisome.

If you are a parent of an child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), then you should understand how difficult it can be for your child to stay focused on his task at hand. Focus and concentration is like a muscle which must be exercised regularly for improved performance.

Occupational therapy (OT) is a therapeutic treatment designed to help people who struggle with everyday activities. Specifically for kids, Occupational Therapy can help children with cognitive, sensory integration or developmental delays achieve independence in their daily routines. These daily activities include writing, typing,

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